A Review of A Vote of Confidence by Robin Lee Hatcher
Robin Lee Hatcher’s newest release, A Vote of Confidence, is a tale of love that occurs when two opponents find adoration for one another in the small Midwestern town of Bethlehem Spring circa 1915. Guinevere “Gwen” Arlington is a trendsetter for her time period. Being well educated, well poised, intelligent, and self-sufficient Gwen decides she would make a fine mayor for the town she has come to love. Unbeknownst to her, Morgan McKinley also enters the race for mayor. Morgan is a newcomer to Bethlehem Springs who is building a fancy resort outside of the town limits. The banter that ensues between these two characters had me smiling throughout the entire story. I could almost envision the sparks that would enter Gwen’s eyes when Morgan would purposely antagonize her just to get such a reaction. From the very beginning, these two adversaries are drawn to one another despite their continuous efforts to convince themselves otherwise. Although the setting of this book is the early 1900s, the battle Gwen wages as a trendsetter for the women of her time is still relevant in today’s world. Gwen sets out to hold a prestigious office that wields authority over men. Her argument to her 60+ yr old neighbor, who is opposed to Gwen’s run for mayor, is that the Bible clearly shows examples of strong women of faith and integrity, like Miriam: the sister of Moses, Deborah: a judge, Priscilla and Phoebe. Nearly 100 years later, these arguments are still being waged. Robin Lee Hatcher has once again brought us a historical romance that not only entertains but reveals God’s wisdom.
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