Tuesday, November 29, 2022


Hope What does it mean to you/what does it look like to you? (Feel free to comment below.)

When life seems overwhelming when the storms threaten to blow us down, when we feel we can't press on one more step, how do we persevere?

For me Hope means unwavering trust in my Papa God.  I call Him Papa because He is my heavenly Father and He deeply desires an intimate relationship with me.  

My Hope comes from God! I know He is with me always, will never forsake me, and will fight my battles for me. I trust in Him because He is God and worthy to be praised.

The Baker Biblical Dictionary defines Hope as to trust in, wait for, look for, or desire something or someone; or to expect something beneficial in the future. According to Bakers one of the Hebrew roots for Hope is to teach that the Lord is the hope of Israel. This meant/means that Israel's God is worthy of trust.

"Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day lone." Psalm 25:5

"Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the Lord." Psalm 31:24

Bakers Bible Dictionary states that the Greek word for Hope means to wait, to be patient, to endure. 

Wow! This definition is asking much more of us. In the Old Testament, we just had to trust. In the New Testament, we are asking for our faith to be acted upon.

God gives me physical, mental, and spiritual strength when I personally have nothing left to give. He holds me while I endure agonizing pain. I have certainly learned patience through my trials. In all that I go through, I can still say God is my Hope for He is always good!

May each one of you find true Hope in God as you learn to trust in Him especially as you wait and endure!

Dear Papa God, Thank you for being our Hope in a world of chaos. Continue to guide us as we navigate life. Be our strength and help us to endure and wait upon You. We thank you for Your goodness! Amen!