Thursday, March 12, 2009

New Devotional/Bible Study by Kathi Macias entitle How Can I Run a Tight Ship When I'm Surrounded by Loose Cannons?

Looking for the perfect woman? She's not the author of this book! With humor and relevance, Macias shares her own journey and struggle with the Proverbs 31 biblical ideal; and reveals the five natural steps of growing in grace---crawling, walking, running, flying, and falling back on our knees, dependent again. Includes thought-provoking reflection questions.

Tight Ship

Sneak peek at the Introduction of How Can I Run a Tight Ship When I’m Surrounded by Looses Cannons? by Kathi Macias

“Will the Real Superwoman Please Stand Up?”

I’ve always been a control freak who wanted everything to run smoothly—perfectly, actually. No bumps or surprises, just—well, a “tight ship,” as they say. And somewhere along the line I got the idea that I could make that happen—if I just tried hard enough. I think it may have started when I first saw Superman on our family’s black and white TV and wondered, Is there a Superwoman somewhere? When I put that question to the adults in my life, they smiled and patted me on the head and said, “I don’t think so, dear.” So I decided to sign up for the job—a reasonable if somewhat naïve aspiration for a six-year-old, not so reasonable and way beyond naïve at twenty-six. Two decades after the birth of my Superwoman dream, I was still running as fast as I could and getting nowhere. My twenty-year-old dream was going down for the count, and I was nearly at the point of throwing in the towel—and then I met Jesus.

What a difference! Now I could latch on to verses like “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” and “All things should be done decently and in order”—biblical affirmations of my desire to do things right, to do things efficiently and effectively, to do things with power and authority. Finally I was invincible—in Jesus, of course. Now all I needed was a godly role model and I’d be on my way.

I began my search in earnest, reading through the Scriptures until I came to Proverbs 31. Eureka! There, at last, was the epitome of the Superwoman I’d been hoping to become since I was six years old. The perfect woman—perfect wife, perfect mother, perfect housekeeper, perfect entrepreneur—all rolled into one! Not only did her husband and children praise her, but God must have approved of her as well or He certainly wouldn’t have included her as an example in the Bible. My dream was alive and well once again! At last I would be able to “get it all together,” to win instead of fail, to run a tight ship, and to keep things under control. Life was good, and the future looked bright.

There was only one problem. I hadn’t figured on all the loose cannons rolling around the deck of my not-so-tight ship….

Check out a blog about Tight Ship at:
And, don't forget to take a look at Kathi's website to see what other great books she has available at:

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