Saturday, January 28, 2023

What This Seasons Is Teaching Me

I find myself in a season I've never been in before. I must rely on someone else for almost everything. Oh, how very humbling!

If I can rely on others, then why not be vulnerable with my Papa God. So, I rest in His presence soaking up words of praise songs that move my soul and drawl me closer to Him.

I dive deep into His word not to be a scholar but to build a profound relationship with my Papa God. 

I humble myself to cover my brothers and sisters in prayer because there is power in prayer. This is an action of love to be an intercessor.

I tell you this to give God the glory. He wants to work in and through you, too. Are you willing to have an open heart? Are you willing to be humble? Will you make time to know Him better by delving in His Word, the ONLY authority, the Bible? Will you stand in the gap and pray for those around you?

In honesty, you will get scars along the journey but they will be worth it! They will make you stronger. They will draw you closer to Papa God because He will walk ever step of the journey with you! He is faithful like that!

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