Friday, June 28, 2013

Connections Academy

As many of you know, my son attends a public cyber school. It has been one of the best decisions I have ever made on his behalf. Because I was unaware that such options existed, I like to mention our cyber school whenever I have the opportunity. To help give you an inside view of Connections Academy, I would like to share some of the latest resources with you.

Connections Academy recently joined forces with The Juilliard School to create an innovative new online music program. Children from kindergarten through high school can gain a greater understanding of music through hands-on music activities and study of music repertoire, plus presentations and demonstrations by faculty, alumni, and students from the world-famous Juilliard School in New York City. 

Connections Academy teachers are highly skilled in teaching in the web environment. They conduct classes with our powerful, interactive LiveLesson® system. Utilizing unique, interactive tools, LiveLesson® sessions allow our teachers to create and lead the real-time, lively interactions of a traditional classroom, but in an online setting. 



Connections Academy started a new website geared specifically to the teens they serve. This site includes a section titled, "Life as a Student," as well as various resources that High School aged students will find helpful. Click on the above link to view the site for yourself.  

Physical Education in Virtual School: How Does That Work? by Beth Werrell


Unless you were an all-American athlete when you were a kid, you might not have the best memories of phys. ed. class. Whether you dreaded the ugly gym uniform, playing a sport you just didn’t enjoy, or being the last one picked for a team sport, the good news is that, as a virtual school student, your child won’t have to experience it!

Running, bicycling, climbing, skiing, dancing, martial arts, playing soccer or basketball—all of these great, fun activities can be part of physical education for a virtual school student. That’s because the name of the game is personal fitness choice when you attend school online. Continue Reading

To read more insightful articles, go to Connections Academy's Blog. Check out Connections Academy's Website for more specific information about the programs, what state's have public virtual schools, talk to a current Connections Academy Parent, or discover where you can attend a local Connections Academy Event. Connections Academy also has a Facebook Page and a Twitter Page. If you have questions, I would be willing to talk with you as well. Look under the Follow Me section of my blog to contact me.